Hi Friends, April Is The Perfect Time To Try New Things! How are you feeling right now? I'm doing well, and it's at least in part because I am trying a few new things! Cheer for me, my friends...and thank you in advance. Because trying something new can be scary as sh**! But letting myself be overcome by the fear is not an option for me right now. My desire to move forward by supporting others is important to me, and worth the effort of finding ways to move past the initial fear. And, I will allow myself to be happy with the outcome, whatever it is, because I tried.
For today, I'll start by sharing with you what I am up to. Then I will share a few thoughts that can help you deal with the inevitable fear of trying something new.
Hi Friends, March: Re-Emergence and New Beginnings! Happy Spring! The new season, longer days, warmer temperatures, the vaccination roll-out (YAY!)...it seems like we are at long last EMERGING from our cocoons. While every day is an opportunity to begin anew (and so is every moment), it feels like all this good weather and good news is a perfect opportunity to push the reset button. The opportunity exists to emerge from your 'pandemic pod' with more choices, new possibilities and a different attitude.
Hi Friends, February Love: Let's Talk About Self-Care Happy February! How's your Love Month going?
During this entire month, love has been the subject of my posts on social media (follow me on Instagram here) and for this newsletter. And I am very happy to contribute to the Valentine's Day avalanche of love and self-care discussions that are typical in February. Because love is one of the most important emotions in the human experience. It's critical to both give it and receive it. And the MOST important object of your love (can you guess?) ...is YOU. Unfortunately, the subjects of self-love and self-care can feel over discussed, especially if you focus only on taking bubble baths and burning candles (soy, of course). Hi Friends, Happy January! (Sent just in time ;-)) ...lol) The patriot in me felt compelled to somehow talk about the inauguration this month. As Americans, I believe we are a lucky bunch. Every four years in early November, we have the privilege of voting to decide who will lead our country, and in January we have the opportunity to watch them being sworn into office. Over the years we have experienced a lot of "firsts" on Inauguration Day. In 2008 President Obama became the first African American President, and then in 2016, President Trump became the first President with no prior experience in government.
Hi Friends, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy New Year, and may 2021 be filled with good health, peace and love!
Hi Friends, Happy Chanukah To All Those Who Celebrate! I wish you all the joys of the season and a wonderful, delicious holiday filled with love! Thank You for sharing my health and life coaching journey with me, and for your continued participation, loyalty and readership of my newsletter. As a small gift, I've attached a Chanukah recipe for Brussel Sprout Latkes from one of my favorite cooking experts, Pamela Salzman.
Hi Friends, Happy December! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving... and that you ate delicious food and connected with some loved ones, whether in person or virtually. 2020 is, after all, anything but a normal year in terms of how we all celebrated this holiday of feasting.
Hi Friends, I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I am so grateful for all your support and feedback this year. With the holiday just a day away, I wanted to take a moment to wish you a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving, and a positive start to the holiday season. Typically, the time between Thanksgiving and New Years can feel like a blur. Given the nature of the year 2020, it is certainly possible that this year's activities and emotions are very different from those you have experienced during any previous year.
Hi Friends, I Hope You've Enjoyed All the Recent Spring-Like Weather in the Northeast! Quite a bonus for November! After weeks of election craziness in this country, I feel like we deserved the uncharacteristically beautiful weather of the past weekend. And I recognize that despite the unseasonably warm temperatures we have recently experienced, winter is right around the corner.